Public Administration

Attract & enroll top-tier students seeking careers in Public Administration

Rize’s Public Administration program heavily focuses on local government, providing students with the skills they need to materially assist their communities. The hands-on projects and activities will require students to explore how the topics covered in their courses apply to their local community.

Add this highly rigorous program developed by academic and industry experts to your course catalog and attract students looking for ways to make meaningful change at the city, county, state, regional and national levels through effective management, policy influence, collaboration between stakeholders, public communication, and more.

growth in colleges with Public Administration graduates
job growth in Public Admin over the next decade
growth in entry-level job positions in the last year

What makes the Rize Public Administration program attractive to prospective students?

CFP Real World Projects
Flexible Schedules CFP Rize Education
Build Financial CFP Rize Education

Real-World Courses Taught by Qualified Professional & Academic Experts in the Public Administration Field

Each Rize program has a dedicated curriculum committee comprised of faculty & industry experts in the program's subject area.

These experts understand the needs of hiring managers in related industries to ensure courses are current and professionally relevant.

Rize programs leverage the courses you already have:

Our Academic Partners will work directly with you to build a unique program leveraging and integrating courses you already have in your catalog.
A potential Public Administration major could look like this:
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Example courses from your institution
Intro to Sociology
Accounting I
Intro to Government
Intro to Public Policy
Applied Statistics
Social Research Methods
Organizational Behavior
Courses from Rize
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Introduction to Public Administration
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State and Local Government Administration
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Public Budgeting and Finance
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Public Administration Capstone
Courses and curriculum

Public Administration course descriptions

You can launch this Public Administration program by adding 4 Rize courses to your existing catalog, enabling you to market a Public Administration degree to prospective students in as little as one semester. Expand below to read the course descriptions.

PAM I - Introduction to Public Administration
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If you’ve ever wondered how the vast apparatus of government keeps society on its rails, this course will answer your questions by introducing you to the field of public administration. By the end of this course, you’ll understand how governmental administration works, become familiar with public sector management issues and understand how government administrators turn policy into process. This online class features optional live sessions.

PAM II - State and Local Government Administration
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This course provides students with an understanding of the structure and function of state and local governments in the United States. Students will explore local and state-level policy issues and administrative processes. They will also explore urban issues in the U.S. and discuss solutions to all of these challenges. This online course has optional live sessions.

PAM III - Public Budgeting and Finance
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This course covers fiscal and budgetary policies and practices in the public sector and governmental organizations. Students will improve their understanding of revenue, expenditure, deficit spending, and debt, specifically as they relate to government. They will also examine the functions of accounting in the public sector and learn to create financial reports. This online course has optional live sessions.

PAM IV - Public Administration Capstone
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This capstone is the culmination course for Public Administration majors and should be taken as the final course in a student’s studies for the major. It is intended to synthesize all of a student’s learnings in the field into one public-sector focused project. Students will work in groups with a public sector organization, such as a non-profit, or their local government. This online course has optional live sessions.

Certified Planning is a great career stats

Students love their Rize courses

“The projects we had to do were very motivating… It sparked interest in me, got the light going in my brain - I loved doing the projects!”
Cole B.
Walsh University
“Rize has given me an opportunity to add something to my degree. Something that I wanted to find at my school but wasn’t there.”
Chisunta C.
Albertus Magnus College
“Class experience is amazing!”
Mary D.
Mary Baldwin University
“It’s helped me know what I want to do in my career because of how immersive the assignments are.”
Jacob J.
Lasell University
“Even though everything was online… it still felt like the same kind of small classroom that I really enjoy, and that’s why I chose my college - so I kinda got that same experience even thru the computer.”
Summer R.
Lasell University
"One of the things I liked about [it] was getting to meet new people from different colleges and getting to hear new experiences and opinions."
Kara B.
Lasell University

Ready to learn more?

Fill out the form below and someone from our Academic Partnerships team will be in touch with you shortly.