MBA program specializations

High-quality, high-impact additions to your MBA

We collaborated with an impressive group of faculty from Harvard Business School, Cornell, Dartmouth, and the University of Texas at Austin to develop in-demand MBA specializations with relevant, market-driven skills that set your program apart. Harness the power of consortium-based learning that combines best-in-class curriculum with your institution’s unique identity, mission, and support.

Artificial Intelligence Specialization

Prepare your students to dive into the future with our cutting-edge AI specialization. 75% of employers struggle to find talent with AI skills and offer 40% more in pay.

Program Consultant: Dr. Risto Miikkulainen, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin and VP of AI Research at Cognizant Advanced AI Labs 

Business Analytics Specialization

Capture student interest with the fastest-growing MBA program specalization. Equip graduates with crucial Business Analytics skills, enhancing your college's reputation.

Program Consultant: Dr. Michael Parzen, Senior Lecturer of Applied Business Analytics at Harvard Business School

Cybersecurity Specialization

Bolster your MBA program’s offerings with the fifth-fastest growing MBA specialization, Cybersecurity, meeting industry demands for employees to shield their business.

Program Consultant: Dr. Gregory Falco, Assistant Professor at Cornell University’s Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and the Systems Engineering Program


Grow your MBA program by attracting top Finance talent with the nation’s leading MBA specialization by enrollment size, opening doors to students for lucrative opportunities.

Program Consultant: Dr. Robert Hansen, Professor of Business Administration at Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business and Faculty Director of the Center for Business and Society

Healthcare Administration Specialization

Draw a unique student cohort with the highest enrollment specialization amongst LCMC schools. Distinguish your MBA program as a hub for healthcare leadership and innovation.

Program Consultant: Dr. Robert Hansen, Professor of Business Administration at Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business and the Master of Health Care Delivery Science Program at the college
The development of a course curriculum that seamlessly integrates with your MBA core and is ready to launch in less than one semester, complete with enrollment marketing assets, was achieved through:
Identifying a high-demand, high-impact suite of programs by looking at employer & student demand data
Sourcing top tier program consultants to opine on curriculum and skills
Utilizing our in-house instructional design team to adapt that curriculum for online learning at small colleges

Getting started...

One, flat subscription fee grants access to with our MBA bundle. Leveraging 8-week, online, asynchronous courses, the bundle will provide you, and your students, the flexibility and agility to stay on the cutting edge of new offerings and labor market needs.

Ready to learn more about Rize's MBA specializations?

Fill out the form below and someone from our Academic Partnerships team will be in touch with you shortly about launching these specializations.