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Why do 85+ colleges use Rize?

Because colleges can use Rize programs to grow enrollment and generate revenue, faster and easier than ever before.
Add new degree programs at a fraction of the traditional cost in as little as one semester.
Grow revenue by growing enrollment. High quality, cutting-edge degrees attract new students.
Grow more revenue by improving retention. Great classes & clear-cut career outcomes keep more students returning year-over-year.
Better student outcomes. All Rize programs are in fields with higher than average job growth, and better than average salaries.
Hear from Rize partner colleges

Course-sharing reimagined for sustainable growth

Unlike other course-sharing platforms, colleges use Rize to affordably add new, enrollment-driving degree programs, instead of just courses, all without sacrificing quality or academic standards.

See how it works

Rize vs. Building Programs On Your Own

Build from Scratch

Partner with Rize

Steps to Launch a New Cybersecurity Degree
Identify Program/Product Market Fit
1-2 semesters
1-2 Meetings with Rize
Faculty Search Process
3-6 months
$6-$8K average direct costs + person hours
Done for you
Hire New Faculty
(and convince them to move to your location and work for 1/2 what they can make in the private sector)
1-3 months (start time + onboarding)
$101,000/year salary + benefits
Done for you
Build Curriculum
12-18 months
$101,000 annual salary + benefits
Done for you
Faculty Governance & Accreditation Process
About 1 semester
About 1 semester
Ready to Start Enrolling New Students
2-3 years
As quickly as 1 semester

Rize enables you to add 20+ degree programs at a fraction of the typical cost in as quickly as one semester.

Rize vs. Online Course Sharing

80% of students rate their Rize courses “as good or better” than their traditional in-person courses because Rize prioritizes creating better student outcomes and enriching their learning experiences.


Registrars and students love the support they get from Rize

Some users have reported that other course-sharing platforms do not offer sufficient support for students, administrators, or academic advisors.

This can make it difficult for students to get help when they need it, which can negatively impact their learning experience.
At Rize, students love the support they get from faculty, while administrators and registrars love the support they get from our team

High standards. Centralized curriculum.

Other course-sharing platforms offer courses that can vary widely in quality, structure, and educational rigor.
With Rize's managed course sharing, courses are held to the high - and universal - standards.
Courses build on each other seamlessly, assuring great student experience year after year.

Administrators & registrars love our process

Negotiating and coordinating course-sharing the old way can be complex and time-consuming, with multiple platforms and disparate LMS systems burdening institutions and staff.
Every Rize course is delivered on one easy-to-manage LMS and works through a platform registrar’s love.

Ready to learn more?

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